Alarm report
Display Warning | Description | Notes |
ZCROSS ERROR | Network synchronization reading error | Issue a PP/APP (open) command to reset the control unit |
EEPROM ERROR | Data saving error | Check the entered parameters |
END OF TRAVEL ERROR | End of travel error | CASE 1: if during installation one of the endstops is pressed, then the endstop control fails. It is necessary to bring the gates to mid-travel before starting the self-learning. CASE 2: both the opening and closing endstops for a gate are pressed. Issue a PP/APP command to bring the control unit to an unknown position. |
REVERSED ENDSTOPS | Opening/closing endstops reversed | Recheck the connections of the opening/closing endstop pair and the status of the endstops. Issue a PP/APP command to bring the control unit to an unknown position. |
SENSITIVE EDGE ERROR | Sensitive edge type error | The sensitive edge used does not seem to be consistent with the one set in BASIC MENU->SENSITIVE EDGE |
TRIACS ERROR | Triacs control error | Issue a PP/APP command to reset the control unit. If the error persists, one of the Triacs for driving the motor is damaged. |
CK SAFETIES ERROR | Photocell operation control error | Issue a PP/APP command to reset the control unit. Ensure that there are no obstacles between the photocells during the photocell check. If the problem is not due to obstacles, then there is a problem with the operation of the photocells. |
ERROR M1 | Motor 1 Error | Check the integrity of motor 1 connections. Issue a PP/APP (open) command to bring the control unit to an unknown position |
ERROR M2 | Motor 2 Error | Check the integrity of motor 2 connections. Issue a PP/APP (open) command to bring the control unit to an unknown position |